Curriculum Impact is measured in a number of different ways. Evidence of learning and attainment in Communication, reading, writing, number, and measure, is recorded termly using B Squared ‘Connecting Steps’ and Evisense, which provide analytical data as well as real time evidence of individual pupil achievement. The multiple statutory curricula within the Westfield curriculum model can all be reported using this software, which cross references each phase of education. The connecting of themes within foundation subject lessons enables learners to make links to their own experiences, which in turn leads to all students making progress in line with, or in excess of expected levels within core areas. Annual reviews of EHCPs include year on year progress tracking, as well as anecdotal descriptions of progress within the four areas and each identified outcome.
Students whose learning and achievement cannot be accurately represented by linear tracking models, require lateral progression, as well as progress in areas other than academic, to be reflected. A variety of different assessment models are used such as the Engagement model, MSI recording format, Transition Challenge, Towards Independence, and show consistent improvement in key areas for these students.