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Squirrel Class

Nursery to Year 1

About Squirrel Class

Our Teacher: Sian Stack

Squirrel Class caters for pupils in Nursery and Reception. Pupils are taught following the guidelines of the Early Years Curriculum, alongside the Westfield Curriculum and Multi-Sensory Curriculum. All learning activities and opportunities provided are tailored to the pupils’ individual needs.

Learning and experiences are provided to pupils to enable them to learn through play and exploration. All activities follow a termly theme which focuses on a topic of learning as well as pupil’s interests, learning targets and EHCP outcomes. Pupils develop their skills through child-initiated play, turn-taking opportunities and adult-led task box activities. All pupils have access to a visual timetable and schedule to support them in their learning and daily routines.

Learning Focus

Due to the diverse learning styles and developmental needs, focused learning occurs in small groups or through 1:1 input. Opportunities for whole group activities exist throughout the school day as a natural process of continuous provision.

Pupils are supported in a communication friendly and accessible learning environment that is suited to their level of need and language acquisition, e.g. spoken words, signs, PECS and switches. Pupils are immersed in a total communication approach where language is modelled by adults in every interaction with pupils. Fine and gross motor skills are supported by a range of resources and activities within the continuous provision, the outdoor learning area as well as through weekly Physical Education sessions. Pupils are also taught daily phonics and are exposed to reading in a variety of fun and multi-sensory ways.

Personal, Social and Health Education is an important part of the daily life in Squirrel Class. Pupils are taught to be independent in their functional skills where possible. They are also taught about their own and other’s feelings, how to manage their feelings and behaviour, as well as how to turn-take and resolve conflicts that may arise during the day. Pupils also have opportunities to access additional interventions including communication groups, play therapy, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, and music therapy.

Sian Stack, Squirrel Class Teacher