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Robin Class

Key Stage 3 – Year 7 to 9

About Robin Class

Our Teacher: Chloe Bayliss & Sue Pates

Robin Class caters for pupils in KS3 with a range of learning difficulties and disabilities. Pupils are taught following the schools adapted National Curriculum or a Multi-Sensory Curriculum, which is tailored to their individual needs. Some pupils may access visual timetables, schedules and reward systems to support them in their learning journey. A total communication approach is used to support all learner to access and achieve in a safe and stimulating environment.

Learning Focus

Literacy lessons cover a range of genres from fictional texts, poetry and non-fiction; focusing on developing their reading, speaking and listening and writing skills. This includes mark making, language of instructions, non-chronological reports and recounts; in addition, the opportunity to retell, adapt and add detail to their own story writing. Pupils have regular practice for reading and writing high-frequency words, letter formation, spellings, symbol recognition and phonics sessions. Pupils also take part in guided reading and reading for meaning sessions where they use their phonics skills to decode, as well as opportunities to discuss texts and carry out
comprehension activities.

Maths lessons focus on using all four operations in practical situations and theory to develop their knowledge and skills in number. Involving number recognition, place value and patterns within numbers. As well, as measurement and geometry lessons involving the basic understanding of time, weight, capacity, length, temperature, shapes and angles. In addition to this, in numeracy pupils also learn the value of coins, using money in functional situations both in role play and in the community. Numeracy skills are also practised in weekly food technology lessons, science lessons and DT lessons.

All foundation subjects are taught through the school termly theme. Learning is taught around a key question posed at the beginning of a term; this makes the learning purposeful, practical and engaging for the pupils in the class. Pupils learn scientific enquiry through practical experiments and observation. Pupils are encouraged to be independent in their learning by asking questions, selecting their materials and exploring the world around them in a safe and a stimulating environment.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) are an important part of daily life in Robin Class. Pupils are encouraged to be as independent as possible, taking an active role in decision- making and taking on jobs within the class. As part of our broad curriculum, pupils also participate in weekly PSHE Lessons. Pupils take part in the discussions about making informed choices and the consequences associated with those, whilst developing their understanding of their own and others feelings and emotions, in supporting mental wellbeing. During our weekly RSE lessons, pupils learn the importance of online and media safety, growing bodies, respectful relationships and keeping safe.

In addition, pupils take part in lessons of physical education (PE) and attend swimming lessons during the term. Pupils use the community to support their learning, including regular visits to the library or visiting other places of interest linked to our topics.

Chloe Bayliss  Robin Class Teacher