Berrington Hall
This term we’ve been going to Berrington Hall to do some gardening we go every Wednesday. There are nine of us that go to Berrington Hall and help out with the gardening. We plant different kind of seeds, mowing, strimming, edging and lots more. We stay there all day in the Spring and Summer we do half days in Autumn and Winter.
Business Enterprise
This term we’ve been starting our Business Enterprise we have started planning in September what we’re gonna make and what we will need and how much it’ll cost. In early November we’ve started making the decorations

Leominster Library
This term we’ve been going to the library for our work experience for every Thursday. To find all different types of books like non-fiction, fiction, biographies, crime, fantasy, romance, large print and sci-fi books. We also given a list to find all different books so it can help us to find them where there at in the library. We also put them in the delivery room some of them go in bags some of them go in boxes and they go different libraries. We also do the scanner thingy to scan the books so we know which library the books go we usually to the reservation paper so the book stays at the Leominster Library and the people can collect it from the library where they reserved it. And the other books we scan with the scanner go to the other libraries.